Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Purple is the new ZOMG-cute

I downloaded The Maw the day it was released on X-box Live Arcade, and I'm happy to say that this Arcade direct-download indie game has so far outlasted Fable 2 in play time and interest. Yes, a simple $10 arcade game has surpassed a fully-funded big-studio $60 360 title. Someone please give these kids at Twisted Pixel buckets of money, so that they might continue to develop their bundles of epic win.

It seems like it's always the simple-concept games that have the most impact, and The Maw is no exception. The premise is about as simple as it gets: You are a cute little alien. You have a pet alien that is even cuter than you are. It likes to devour things that are cuter than both of you mashed together. It is your job to help your pet, named Maw, to fangoriously devour everything in sight.

Over the course of this feed-fest, you and Maw encounter puzzles that must be solved using your laser wristband and Maw's insatiable appetite. Sometimes that appetite leads to interesting temporary changes in Maw, such as the ability to float or zap things.

Or, to develop a dozen more eyes and the ability to shoot laser beams:

Maw's nom-nom-nom noise gets my vote as the most adorable sound effect in a video game ever.

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